Science is so fun!
During this section, we will show some cool electronic microscope images of our materials and some interesting things about the techniques that we use

With fumehoad up to see the coulour changes depending on the modulator introduced
Changing MOFs´ morphology through modulation
Selective capping of crystals surface by modulators is a well-known reasson for mormophology changes upon modulation.

The Layered Star
MOFs intern-growing in layers result in this beautifull defective MOF

Hierarchical crystals
Isn´t it amazing how this nanoMOFs arrange into well-defined octahedral crystals?

Intern-grown crystals
Under certain conditions MOFs can be interngown in layers of one microcrystal

Dancing MOFs
MOFs can make funny shaped when drying from disperssions.
Disperssions made by the summer student Pablo Valiente, who made this MOFs dance!

The wave
When a weid MOF broke during the SEM session

How many heart MOFs can you spot?
Heart MOFs made at the Forgan group with Connor J. Wells

The desert roses

Without modulator this was octahedral!
How many shapes will we get?
Single crystals!!!
Obtaining single crystals allow for the determination of their periodic structure!!

As María Vicent says when she obtains a good crystal diffraction pattern… It is a stared night!! (Hoy es noche de estrellas!!)

My favourite not-so-single crystals of all times… what I call the pasta flakess!!!! … And they glow, because they have stimuli-responsive units!!!
The Globe Box
For those of you who are not familiarised with this, it is one of the ways to store or to work with materials without the presence of oxygen or water.

Globe box in ICMol, University of Valencia
Fun Times at the Synchrotron
A synchrotron is an extremely powerful source of X-rays. We use synchrotron radiation to characterise the local structure of our materials using a variety of techniques.
Despite doing measurements during 24 hours (OR MORE), synchrotron time can also be very fun.

We also study the biocompatibility and immune response towards our materials!! For a material to be safely used for any application biocompatibility is a must!
We also study materials as potential drug delivery systems!

Have you heard of FACS? With flow-assisted cell sorting one can differentiate between cell lines, alive or dead cells and many more!!

One way to estimate the cell viability is using the MTS assay, with controls on untreated cells and growth media. The red/purple color is equivalent to the metabolic activity of the cells.