We are committed to one of the key targets of Next Generation Europe ‘Science with and for Society’ and we disseminate our project´s results through conferences, publications, and outreaching activities.
Our research encloses fundamental research on the self-assembly of MOFs and their resultant properties with applications related to catalysis, gas separation, drug delivery or water treatment.
I have obtained a number of fellowships including my current Junior Leader ‘la Caixa’ , my foreseen Ramón y Cajal Fellowship and my previous Juan de la Cierva incorporación Fellowship and Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship.
I have also obtained a number of small synchrotron grants to unravel the local structure of my materials.
I am currently a Junior Leader ‘la Caixa’ Fellow of the Institute of Molecular Science from the University of Valencia. I am working towards establishing a research group, if you are interested in working with us, please get in touch!
I am always open to collaborations, working towards a faster advancement of science.